

Hi, My name is Muhammad Bilal and I have been working as a Systems Administrator since 2007. I got my first Linux Certification in 2009 and since then, I have just fell in love with it. Most people in the IT industry work for a certain organization where they are just limited to the IT Infrastructure of that specific organization. However, I was lucky to work with an organization which was providing services to many other private / public sector companies.

When COVID started, and we all went to home. I decided to work on 2 things. I started my freelance career through Freelancer.com. You can check my freelancer profile here. In addition to that, I registered tuxpedia.net to share my knowledge and experience with the rest of the world.

Tuxpedia.net is a blog primarily focused on Linux Systems Administration. However, I will also be posting articles related to Cloud Platforms Like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud etc. As a System Administrator, I can say that during my career, my best friend and my savior when I got stuck in something were blogs like this. I want to do the same thing for others like me.

I also welcome anyone who would like to use my blog to share his knowledge related to System Administration and Linux with others. To share your articles for vetting and publishing, please share your articles here. We will share your article with full attribution and if your article attracts traffic to our site, we will also give you a share in the pie.

If you have any questions or suggestions. You can reach me here.

If you like what I do, and want to buy me a cup of coffee. click here.

Thank you!

Muhammad Bilal

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